Book: Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams – Kindle Edition

(1 customer review)


Product details

  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • File Size: 2259 KB
  • Print Length: 107 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Better Ever After; 1 edition (4 Jun. 2020)
  • Sold by: Fatima Mohammed
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B086H6RJX8
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
  • X-Ray:
  • Word Wise: Enabled
  • Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 


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Each day, women around the world wake up to fight battles that may go unheard of, undocumented, and unwon. The war may stretch from birth to death, for equalities that are so freely granted to the other sex. How long do we have to do this for?

Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams comes as an act of defiance to all those norms, rules, customs and traditions that hung around me, and many a woman, from infancy like a dark cloud. It is a worded rebellion against the double standards that rule a society which is so obsessed with unrealistic ideals, which is so absorbed in hypocritical standards that sickens me to the depth of my soul. I have, thus, granted this book all green lights to take me back down memory and dreams lane, to instances and moments I thought I have forgotten about, to some secrets that I buried too deep, and others I never dared to write about: Honour, virginity, domestic violence, sexual harassment and all the atrocities that go unheard of, unspoken about, and unseen are given a voice in these pages.

It is a breath of fresh expression of the stories that many a brave soul has graciously shared with me. A tribute to the faceless and nameless ones still governed by silence, shame and fear. May you find your voice within these pages, may you rise to break the cycle of wrongful abuse, to dust off the shackles of outdated customs. It is an invitation, too, may you assume your gender with dignity, wear your scars with pride, slip in those super heels, and march on, head caressing the skies, towards your dreams.

1 review for Book: Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams – Kindle Edition

  1. Dajbeur (verified owner)

    Great book I wish that a lot of readers may read it to change their ideas.
    Some quotes of the book I liked it :”Thin, thick, tall, small, slender, curvy, curly, straight, dark, light, that body, with every detail is YOURS alone, look at it with compassion.”
    And when she said :”We each have one life, and we are entitled to living it on our own terms.”
    #Fatima Mohammed #Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams.

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